Thursday, 29 May 2014

How to Grow Red Bell Peppers

At here we described step by step process of Growing "Red Bell Peppers"

1. Start red bell pepper seeds indoors eight weeks prior to the last frost. Using potting mix in peat pots, bury seeds to a depth of ½ inch. Sow three seeds per pot.
2. Initially, water thoroughly. Once the seeds have sprouted, keep the seedlings lightly moist but not wet.
3. Using grow lamps, provide at least 14 hours of light per day.
Health Educator Program4. At 2 to 3 inches tall, thin the plants down to one per pot by cutting the weakest plants off at the soil level.
5. At 4 to 6 inches tall your pepper plants will be ready to transplant outside. This should be 2 to 3 weeks after the last frost.
6. Choose a sunny location. The soil should be rich, moist, and well drained.
7. Transplant on a cloudy day or in the evening to reduce the risk of initial sun scorch.
8. Provide 18” spacing between plants and 24” spacing between rows.
9. Spread a thick layer of straw mulch around the plants. Keep the soil evenly moist. Water deeply during dry spells to encourage deep root development.
10. Fertilize with compost tea once every two weeks. Side-dress seedlings with rich compost 3 weeks after planting.
11. To deter cutworms, place a cardboard collar around each stem, pushing it at least an inch into the ground.
12. Allow your green peppers to ripen on the plant until they turn bright red, orange, black, brown, or purple. This way, they will taste sweeter and be more nutritious.
13. Harvest by cutting the pepper stem with a knife or pruning shears. Never pull the pepper from the plant

Monday, 19 May 2014

What is the health Educator program..?

It is a program which is focused on awakening a sense of purpose and passion in its participants. The value comes not only in the exposure to the how and why, but in the experience and synergy that is created when you surround yourself with globally like-minded people, 50 acres of natural beauty and the entirety of the living food lifestyle as taught at Hippocrates Health Institute for 9 full weeks. 


 For those early risers, they can opt to join in on one of our various exercise classes which include qi gong, rebounding, tai chi, yoga, aqua fitness or meditation. Others may opt to wake up to an infrared sauna and some hot and cold water therapy with our healing salt pools.

 Of course there is the early morning shot and implant of wheatgrass and maybe even some alkalizing lemon water with cayenne pepper to send you on your way to a full day of learning and exploration.

You would then settle into a classroom that is filled with other like-minded people from all over the world for both a morning and afternoon session. Here you would get exposure to a varied curriculum which is based largely around living foods (understanding, preparing and growing), complimentary therapies and self as well as business growth.

A typical morning session may be filled with absorbing the genius of Viktoras Kulvinskas, co-founder of Hippocrates Health Institute, as you learn about the history of raw foods and enzymes, practicing reflexology alongside Laura Norman, learning how to succeed in business with Rachel Feldman, or having Dr. Brian Clement, Director of Hippocrates Health Institute, share with you the truth about supplements.  

An afternoon session may find you doing a book presentation on The China Study or LifeForce, planting or harvesting wheatgrass with Dr. Brian Hetrich, or designing your own special sauce with Executive Chef Ken Blue.  Of course both afternoon and morning sessions you will be enjoying the delicious world famous Hippocrates Health Institute green juice. You can view a sample HED schedule.

For your lunch and dinner, you would head over to the all so vibrant living food buffet which offers a multitude of living sprouts and organicvegetables as well as engaging “side dishes” to lift your spirit and your energy.


Once you graduate as a Certified Hippocrates Health Educator, there are opportunities available in connection with the institute such as:
  • HHI Referral Agent
  • HHI Wholesaler for Life Give Supplements
  • HHI Take It Home Program which links you with alumni of the LTP program who may need support and or guidance in following the living food lifestyle
  • Helping Hands Program with Permacharts
You can create opportunities for yourself as well based on the credibility of your certification:
  • Working with people in a one on one capacity as a personal health coach or personal chef
  • Working with small like-minded groups to educate and inspire through meet ups
  • Working with larger groups of people by creating events to educate and network
  • HED alumni have written books, produced documentaries, organized retreats, created food or juice products, grown sprouts and wheatgrass, become speakers or advocates of health, and opened cafes or wellness centers 
  • Some health practitioners have complimented their current practices with living foods nutrition, reflexology, iridology and much more.
  • Utilizing the global recognition and reputation of the institute to create your own unique goals and ways of reaching out to others.


The only prerequisite for this program is a passion for health and a desire to increase it either in your life or the lives of others.

Friday, 9 May 2014

How to Grow Microgreens

Microgreens are young tender seedlings of dark leafy green vegetable plants harvested when they are just one to two inches high. They are packed with intense flavor making them the perfect garnish for your salads and entrees. They also have a much higher nutritional content compared to the mature leaves of the same plants. You can grow micro-greens from any small seed such as alfalfa, clover, broccoli, arugula, cabbage, cress, radish, onion, garlic, kale, turnip, mustard greens, collards, bok choy, cress, etc.

Here is how to successfully grow delicious and nutritious microgreens:

1. Using a 10” X 20” nursery flat (with holes), fill with 2 inches of organic potting mix. Use a drain pan underneath.
2. Place a second empty 10” X 20” nursery flat on top of the potting mix and press down to compact creating a flat, even surface.

3. Lightly pre-moisten the soil with a gentle shower from a watering can. Pour off any excess water that collects in the drain pan after watering.

4. Scatter ¼ cup of micro green seeds evenly distributing them throughout the tray. You can use a mild or spicy micro mix from Hippocrates Health Institute or the seed supplier of your choice.

5. Place a paper towel over the top of the tray.

6. Place a second empty 10” X 20” nursery flat on top of the paper towel and press down to compact the soil again. Remove the empty tray but, leave the paper towel on for the first three days.

7. Water well with a gentle shower from a watering can.

8. Place the tray on a sunny, south-facing windowsill or under grow lights. Expect the seeds to germinate in about three days.

9. Keep the soil consistently moist by watering every day. Pour off any excess water that collects in the drain pan after watering.

10. When their first true leaves unfurl (about 7 days after germination) harvest by cutting the microgreens right above the soil line using a pair of scissors.

Monday, 5 May 2014

LifeStyle at Hippocrates Health Institute

Expand Beyond You:

Everything living has a measurable frequency. Our vibrational frequency is who we are. We belong to a universal orchestra and remembering our place in this grand masterpiece is key to finding our true selves. What does your song sound like? What frequency are you emanating out to the world?

The exciting work of cymatics and quantum physics is ushering in a whole new way to look at the world around us but more importantly within us. Our emotions emit frequencies that affect our

overall health. Any positive emotion causes a cell to vibrate at a higher frequency and negative emotion causes a cell to vibrate at a lower frequency. The negative emotion is nothing but an incompletely experienced emotion that gets frozen within our bodies. These negative emotions, when stored in the cells of the body, can cause the body to become unhealthy.

Science is now understanding through research that everything is energy and the higher your energy vibrates, the better health and happiness you can enjoy.

Spend a day with Hippocrates Health Institute staff members, Nancy Dimaio, Maria Krajnak and Joda Cook as they help you to delve into the deepest part of yourselves, embracing the age-old adage, "Know Thyself." As you reconnect to and embrace "All-is-one and one-is-all," the inner transformation work will revitalize your inner-spark and re-awaken your life purpose!

Restoring Balance with Emotional Freedom Technique:

We have the power to influence the world around us. And for the past decade, Quantum Psychologist Garland Landrith has been helping people to tap into that zone. His research was cited in the documentary, “What the Bleep,” and demonstrated how the power of thought through a shared intention lowered the crime rates in Washington, D.C.

Landrith’s work with Emotional Freedom Technique restores awareness and trust in the natural healing abilities of our mind and body. EFT, or the tapping technique, is like psychological acupressure. The technique works by releasing blockages within the energy system. These disruptions are the source of emotional intensity and discomfort and can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression and stuckness.

By focusing on the specific problem whilst tapping with fingers on the end points of energy meridians, EFT works to clear the disruptions and reset the disruptive pattern in order to restore emotional harmony and relief from physical discomfort. The combination of sending kinetic energy to our energy system, while focusing on root causes, restores the natural energetic flow of the body and clears the "short circuit" from the body's learned response or negative emotion.