Wednesday, 18 June 2014

How to Grow Red Cabbage

1. Start early type red cabbage seeds indoors eight weeks prior to the last frost. Using potting mix in peat pots, bury seeds to a depth of < inch. Sow three seeds per pot.
2. Initially, water thoroughly. Once the seeds have sprouted, keep the seedlings lightly moist but not wet.
3. Using grow lamps, provide at least 14 hours of light per day.
Once your plants have three leaves your cauliflower will be ready to plant outside. This should be about 4 weeks before the last frost for early types.
4. Choose a sunny location. The soil should be rich, moist, and well drained.
5. Transplant on a cloudy day or in the evening to reduce the risk of initial sun scorch.
6. Provide 6 to 12 spacing between plants and 12 to 24 spacing between rows.
7. Spread a thick layer of straw mulch around the plants. Keep the soil evenly moist. Water deeply during dry spells to encourage deep root development.
8. Fertilize with compost tea once every two weeks. Side-dress seedlings with rich compost 3 weeks after planting.
9. Harvest the mature heads when they are firm. Use a knife to cut the main stem.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Hands of Light - Lecture & Workshop

Oasis Therapy Center at Hippocrates Health Institute welcomes Laurie Keene, Dean of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing for a lecture and workshop on this Saturday, June 7th and Sunday, June 8th here at HHI..

Imagine embracing your life as an opportunity to learn and grow into a loving relationship with yourself, the other, and to understand the spiritual purpose of your life.

The study of Brennan Healing Science teaches you the tools for self-awareness and through practice, the ability to open, learn from and accept all of your life’s experiences.

One of the fundamental principles that we teach is that everything in the Universe is Energy and Consciousness. Given that premise, it is possible to create and channel energy frequencies that are beneficial to you and to others you may work with as well. The exploration of consciousness inherent in all energy opens the door to understanding life that transcends your normal day-to-day existence.

This awareness is a gift. It has the potential to shift your entire experience of “reality” from a fixed, closed view into an open, fluid experience of yourself as a being of light having a human experience. The path of Brennan Healing Science teaches you how to return to a deep understanding of the truth of who you are.

In the workshop we will explore the concept of Energy and Consciousness through the study of the 4 Dimensions of Humankind. The 4 Dimensions is a basic model for healing and awakening as developed by Dr. Barbara Brennan. Knowledge of these dimensions will help you to explore the places where you have said “no” to life and where you have said “yes.”

The workshop is designed to introduce you to these fundamental tools of Brennan Healing Science so that you can begin to apply them to your unique path of healing and personal transformation.

Monday, 2 June 2014

“Food is Medicine Event”- Hippocrates Health Institute's invitational conference on the metabolic approach to cancer

May, 2014, Private Event-Food is Medicine. Dr. Brian Clement and Dr. Anna Maria Clement of the Hippocrates Health Institute, West Palm Beach, Florida have joined forces with the George W. Yu Foundation and are holding an invitation only focus group of multi-disciplinary experts to discuss the metabolic common denominators underlying cancers, Alzheimer’s and Diabetes. In addition to scientists, clinical doctors, and health experts we have invited nutrition journalists, writers, public relations, and social media experts to help build momentum and public awareness regarding the present state of the fight against cancer and the prevention of disease to this private event.

Why is it that for the last 80 years it has been known that eating a low calorie nutrient dense diet increases longevity by 30%, arrests cancer growth and preserves the brain from degeneration? Yet there is neither a drug nor supplement that mimics this phenomenon!

Though so much evidence points to a defective energy metabolism or bioenergetics in so many diseases and simple nutritional manipulations can play such an important role in reversing poor health and chronic diseases, there is little attention, nor awareness, among the lay public and professionals. The discoveries of new molecules that selectively injure cancer cell energy are too critical to ignore, yet there is no funding to expand the research and development. We are excited to take the lead in shifting the paradigm from traditional medicine practices. So the initiative of this meeting is to unite and form the consortium needed to bring these concepts to a broad audience – the world.